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Art is for Everyone

All events are open to anyone at any experience level. At the moment, I am working on organizing live venues in the UK to welcome Intuitive Art workshops, as well as setting up an online schedule. While there are no live events just yet, you can read through the below to get an idea of what is coming soon! STAY TUNED!

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Receive your own Goddess Knowledge Card and work with this card to guide your artmaking! Ancient wisdom coupled with your own creative force will help you shake off stale energy! What teachings do you need? How can you connect to the divine feminine and bring this knowledge into your every day life? Who will guide you? I will help guide you to find inspiration, wisdom, and direction from your Goddess and create art in response. You’ll be able to take your Goddess Card and the art you make home with you.

Tentative Date: October 2024


We will be inspired by the saying: “as within so without, as above so below.” What world would you like to create for yourself? What are you hoping to manifest? How does your own self-talk impact your daily life? I will introduce this concept and we will work with shapes in relationship to one another within the artwork itself and creating space in our pieces for internal and external voices. I will help guide you to find inspiration, wisdom, and direction and create art in response. You’ll take the art you make home with you.


We will work with the Ancient Indigenous teaching of Ho’Oponopono for reconciliation and forgiveness. This teaching is traditionally practiced by Indigenous Hawaiian healers, and the beauty of this release is accessible to all of us. I will introduce this concept and we will work with the colors of forgiveness, release, and freedom. What do you want to get rid of? Who do you need to forgive? How can you become freer? I will help guide you to find inspiration, wisdom, and direction from this prayer and create art in response. You’ll take a copy of the Ho’Oponopono Prayer and the art you make home with you.

Please contact me if you're interested in attending, and I will reach out to you once dates are finalized.


What can I expect from workshops with Leigh?

Workshops will include some short meditation and breathing to get us centered, introspection and invitation for wisdom, artmaking (for the majority of the workshop), and a closing time to share and process your experience. I will guide you each step of the way and hold the space for anything that may come up. This will be an opportunity to play, get creative, and find release through your own art!


Do I need to have art experience?

Absolutely not! Intuitive Art is all about the process and experience, not the product. Workshops are open to complete beginners as well as experienced artists – anyone with a curious spirit is welcome.


What will be provided?

Art supplies will be provided, including paints and paint brushes, pallet knives, tissue paper, glue, and an assortment of pastels, pens, and markers, washi tape, colored pencils, charcoals, and more! Lots of materials to experiment and play with. There will be tables (and chairs) set up with drop clothes and easels for you to work on, and you will also have the option to work on the floor if you wish (this can be fun for dripping paint or working with materials like glitter!). You will be provided with cups of water to clean your brushes as well paper plates and hand wipes.


What do I need to bring?

Nothing! However, I do reccomend you wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Remember you may get paint on them!


You may wish to bring the following, but they are not essential:

• Feel free to bring any additional art supplies with you or found objects you would like to incorporate into your art experience (such as additional or specific paints or other art mediums, or found objects like feathers, photographs or magazine clippings, or organic resources like leaves or flowers).

• You may wish to bring some water, tissues, or anything else to make you comfortable. No food, please.

• If you are usually more comfortable on the floor, you are welcome to bring any floor pillows or a mat to make you comfortable. Painting/ artmaking on the floor is welcome!

• Masks or face-coverings are optional.


Where can I go to ask questions or get help?

If you have any questions please email and I will be happy to help.

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