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I am currently accepting new clients in my Chesterfield office, as well as online.

Please contact me if you are interested in working together, or have any questions about art therapy.

Individual Art Therapy

Individual, 1:1 art therapy sessions. Art therapy can take place in person, or online from anywhere in the world. We will have an initial, 90-minute session for our first meeting. After that, art therapy sessions last from 50-90 minutes depending on client needs. All art materials are supplied for art therapy. If you choose to work with me online via my secure Zoom link, we will discuss your materials needs together in the initial session.

Initial assessment is priced at £90. After that, a standard 50-min session is priced at £60. Reduced pricing is available for students and low-income clients. Please contact me for further details.



Supervision is for professional and personal development and to care for the wellbeing and protection of both the practitioner and client. Supervision can take place both in person or online. Supervision with me will focus on the inclusion of imagery and artmaking to reflect on your growing needs as a clinician.

A stanadrd 50-min supervision session is prices at £75. Reduced pricing is available for students and low-income therapists. Please contact me for further details.


Group Art Therapy

Group work is usually done with at least 4 participants, and can be held in person or online. Group sessions last 90 minutes - 2 hours.

Prices range from £90-150. Reduced pricing is available for students and low-income clients. Please contact me for further details.


Art Therapy and Intuitive Art Education

Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about art therapy or intuitive artmaking. I do speaking engagements and educational opportunities for charities, therapy organizations, and corporate entities. Topics include the benefits of art therapy, managing stress in the workplace, mindfullness, wellbeing, trauma, and addiction.

Please contact me about your potential engagement opportunity for pricing and details.



See the EVENTS page to learn more about one-off workshops.

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